Hello, fellow shooting enthusiasts! I’m excited to share with you an article that I found very informative and inspiring. It’s about the Grand American World Trapshooting Championships, the largest shooting event of its kind. You can read it here.

This article gives you a glimpse of the history and the highlights of this legendary tournament, which has been held annually since 1899. It also tells you what to expect from the next edition, which will take place in August 2023 in Sparta, IL. If you love trap shooting, you will love this article.

I enjoyed learning more about this amazing event and the people who participate in it. I was impressed by the skill and dedication of the shooters, as well as the facilities and the organization of the tournament. I hope you will find this article as interesting and inspiring as I did. Happy reading!

Main Points

  • The Grand American World Trapshooting Championships is the largest shooting event of its kind, with more than 20 events and thousands of shooters from all over the world.
  • The tournament has a long and rich history, dating back to 1899 when it was first held in New York. Since then, it has moved to several locations, until it settled in Sparta, IL in 2006.
  • The tournament features various categories and classes of shooters, from juniors to veterans, from amateurs to professionals. It also has special events for women, youth, and international shooters.
  • The tournament is held at the World Shooting and Recreation Complex, a state-of-the-art facility with 120 trap fields that stretch more than three-and-a-half miles. The complex also offers camping, fishing, golfing, and other recreational activities for visitors.
  • The tournament is organized by the Amateur Trapshooting Association, the governing body of the sport in the US and Canada. The ATA provides rules, regulations, awards, and recognition for the shooters and the event.
  • The next edition of the tournament will be in August 2023, and it will mark the 124th anniversary of the event. It is expected to attract more than 10,000 shooters and spectators from around the globe.

Biggest Takeaway

The Grand American is more than just a shooting competition. It is a celebration of the sport and the community. It is a chance to meet new friends, learn new skills, and have fun. It is a tradition that honors the past and looks forward to the future. It is an event that showcases the best of trapshooting and its enthusiasts.

If you are a shooter, or if you are curious about the sport, you should definitely check out the Grand American. You will be amazed by the spectacle and the spirit of this event. You will be inspired by the stories and the achievements of the participants. You will be part of something grand and memorable. You will not regret it.

Related Articles From Around The Internet

If you want to learn more about the Grand American and trapshooting in general, you can check out these articles from various sources:

We hope you are enjoying these articles and are willing to continue to follow along as we move through the process of selling our house, buying a new house (to become our home), and the adventures of learning about life in southern Illinois, Bruce & Karen.

We’re Bruce and Karen Carlson. We recently moved to the Metro East area of Illinois. This area is east of St. Louis from the Mississippi River north to Alton, east to Carlyle, back south to Waterloo and the Mississippi River, finally north to Columbia. The center is Fairview Heights, Swansea, Belleville, Shiloh, and O'Fallon. Not to be forgotten is Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Edwardsville. It’s a whole new world out there. Our goal with this website is to share our exploration of the Metro East area. As we find businesses and services we use in our daily lives, we’ll share how these businesses and services have helped make our lives better and easier to live.

We’re calling our move to the Metro East area retirement, but we’re not quite sure what that means. By sharing our story with you, we hope you too will gain a better sense of what the Metro East area has to offer and how their businesses and services can improve your lives and build a better community.